Partners have an important role in organising the Finnish national skills competition Taitaja. Competitions cannot be based on the working life skills without cooperation with companies. In addition to companies, there are also several organisations, for example trade unions, that give their expertise to use in order to organise this main event of vocational education and training in Finland. There are every year several hundreds of partners in Taitaja, and the estimated value of this cooperation is about two million euros.
Co-operation can include for example providing goods and materials to training and the actual event. Companies can also train competitors and give them information about up-to-date development of the skills needed in a certain profession. Many companies send their employees to work as judges in the competition. This way the connection between working life and vocational education and training stays strong.
Competitions offer companies an opportunity to recruit and market themselves to students as potential employers, train their own staff, adopt new approaches to cooperate with vocational schools, market their products and services, gain positive visibility, and give the students and vocational schools he most current information on the professional world.
How to take part
Custom cooperation packages have been designed for the Taitaja event, and companies can select from these the one that best suits them. In addition to money, other factors of value include materials, equipment, leased devices and work contributions, which are all needed at the event.
Open trials are organised for international competitions, and companies and vocational colleges can send their own representative to compete in these. Companies can support the national vocational skills team also by participating in a competitor’s training or expert fees. In addition to money, factors that are of value in cooperation include materials, equipment, leased devices and work contributions, all of which are needed during training or competition trips. Read more about the national team at
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