404 Painting, Decorating and Tiling

The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the competence areas in house painting and industrial surface treatment of the Vocational qualification in surface treatment technology. The qualification titles are maalari (painter), lattianpäällystäjä (floor layer) and pintakäsittelijä (surface treatment finisher).

The professional who have completed this qualification works according to the competence area for example in building enterprises as well as in enterprises specialised in building maintenance or in painting, surface treating, screeding, plastering and wallpapering work.

 #taitaja2022 #paintingdecoratingandtiling


Semifinals are not organized to international competitors.


The page will be launched in March 2022.


The results will be published after the final.

Description of the skill category

The competition task requires usual painter’s skills, like working skills in newbuildings, repair, painting and external painting. The work tasks in the competition can be for example painting of interior wall surfaces, ceilings, floors, doors, window frames, mouldings, furniture or heaters. The work task can also consist of wallpapering or painting the exterior cladding or metal roof including groundworks. The competitor shall be able to carry out the tasks according to the written work specifications and drawings and select the suitable working order for work sequence.

The competition is individual.

Skill requirements

The skill category is based on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in the vocational qualification in surface treatment technology, competence areas in building surface treatments, as well as the requirements of working life for a young worker.

The skill requirements for the qualification title painter are, among other things:

  • skills of protecting, cleaning, applying pretreatment, grinding and grounding for painting works
  • skills of seaming the plasterboards and other boards
  • skills of puttying, sleeking and smoothing a variety of underlays
  • skills of painting undercoat, midcoat and surface coat with hand tools and also with spray on a variety of underlays
  • skills of bordering with hand tools
  • skills of fastening the paintable wallcovering and usual wallcovering

Competence requirements for a successful competitor:

A competitor has an overall mastering of a painter’s work tasks. S/he is able to plan his/her daily work tasks so that transferring from one work stage to another takes place at suitable time and no unnecessary breaks occur for example as a result of waiting for substance drying.

The competitor carries out the tasks according to the written work specifications and engineering drawings. The competitor must be able to adapt to changes, which are made to the plans, for example, if a customer expresses his/her wishes regarding colours or materials. In assessment of the professional competence level, the focus will be in fast working, precision of the edging, tidiness of the worksite, quality of the surfaces, complying with work safety, professional working and observing sustainable development during the competition.

Skill category managers

Partners of the skill

Main event partners

  • Skills Finlandin logo, linkki Skills Finlandin verkkosivuille.