A baker-confectioner is able to plan and
prepare delicious, attractive and impressive bakery and confectionery products in
a customer-oriented way. A holder of the qualification in food production, the
competence area baker-confectioner works for example in small or middle-sized
bakeries and confectioneries, industrial bakeries, store bakeries, bake-off
units, café-confectioneries, personal restaurants as well as in catering
enterprises. S/he is able to prepare different bread and pastries,
confectionary products, bakery convenience food products and special works of
the field both in handicraft and industrial
Many diverse hand skills, adapting ability,
own initiative, ability to work under pressure as well as cooperation and
communication skills are required in a baker-confectioner work.
The preparation of different confectionery products and special
confectionery works are emphasised in the skill category. The tasks are planned
in close and precious cooperation with working life. The tasks are based on the
requirements of working life and working culture of field. As regards the product preparation, the following
aspects are considered in evaluation: hygiene matters, compliance with
sustainable operating and self-monitoring practices and working in an
entrepreneurial way. The competition tasks consist of both preliminary tasks
and tasks, given at the competition site. The
competition tasks can be utilised as vocational skills demonstrations. A
competitor can in his / her own education institution apply for the recognition
of skills, on the basis of the competition certificate.
Competition is individual.
Three competitors from the same training centre of an education institution can enrol in semifinals of this skill category.