Front page Event Program
The event gathers together the most radiant professionals to compete in Finnish Championships of professional skills in Pori at 16.-19.5.2022.
Welcome to Taitaja2022-event!
Monday 16th of May
Time | Openings and 1. day of the event | Place |
11.00–15.00 | Accreditation of competitors and team leaders | Isomäki Arena, Main lobby |
14.00–16.00 | Co-operation time between the competitors, judges and other participants. | Competition areas |
15.00–16.00 | Meeting of the jury, team leaders and competition guardians | Isomäki Arena, Seminar room |
17.45–19.00 | Taitaja2022 Pori Opening Ceremony | Isomäki Arena |
Tuesday 17th of May
Time | Event Day 2 | Place |
8.00–17.00 | Competition day 1. for Finnish Championships in professional skills | Competition areas |
| Authorities Day | Länsi-Suomen Pelastusharjoitusallue |
12.00–16.00 | Finals of Taitaja9 -competition, day 1 | Isomäki Arena |
| Careers | |
10.00–17.00 | Event market | Event market |
10.00–12.30 | The future of green technology -seminar | Isomäki Arena, Seminar room |
10.00– 15.00 | Recruiting dates | Isomäki Arena |
13.00–16.00 | Towards Vocational Excellence and Global Competence -seminar | Isomäki Arena, Seminar room |
Wednesday 18th of May
Time | Event Day 3 | Place |
8.00–17.00 | Competition day 2. for Finnish Championships in professional skills | Competition areas |
9.00–16.00 | Finals of Taitaja9 -competition, day 2 | Isomäki Arena |
| Careers | |
10.00–17.00 | Event market | Event market |
10.00–14.00 | National seminar: #Joyofwork – vocational training throughout life | Isomäki Arena, Seminar room |
10.00–15.00 | eSport, Saku ry | Isomäki Arena |
14.30–16.30 | Alumn meeting, WinNova, Sataedu, Kankaanpään opisto | Isomäki Arena, Seminar room |
19.00–20.30 | Evening program | Porin Kauppatori |
Thursday 19th of May
Time | Event Day 4 | Place |
8.00–12.00 | Competition day 3. for Finnish Championships in professional skills | Competition areas |
9.00–12.00 | Event market | Event market |
8.00–14.00 | The future of welfare technology -seminar | Isomäki Arena, Seminar room |
14.45–16.30 | Taitaja2022 Pori closing ceremony | Isomäki Arena |